死に持ち去られるものを追いかけてはいけない(Don't chase what death takes away)




イエスは言いました、「真理は解放する」 と。その真理とは、聖書から集めた真理ではなく、あなた独自の体験を通して出会った真理のことです。

英訳(English translation)

Things that create a lot of suffering ... a little bigger house, a little more deposit balance, a little more fame, a little more reputation, more power ...
If you are chasing what death takes away, your life has never reached any meaning. I couldn't say "I was alive" and the tree did not bloom. It's like the tree didn't bear fruit.
Many people are born as seeds and die as seeds.
So what do we have to do?

Think of something higher. Things that transcend death, things that are not destroyed, things that are immortal, things that are timeless ... and sorrow and suffering will not occur.
If you seek the ultimate (truth), each moment of your life will become more and more peaceful, calm, quiet and fragrant.
If you seek a truth that cannot be taken away by death, that very search will bring new qualities to your being.

The real joy comes from the inside, never from the outside.
Death can only take away what comes from the outside. The inside is eternal.
The truth is waiting for you to look inward, to turn inward, to tune inward.
Explore the truth that erases sorrow and suffering without chasing what death takes away.

Jesus said, "The truth will be released." That truth is not the truth that you have collected from the Bible, but the truth that you have encountered through your own experience.

