悲観論者であってはならない(Should not be a pessimist)



英訳(English translation)

Even if you come across something negative, find something positive in it.
You will always find something positive. If you are successful in finding the positives in the negatives, your life will be relaxed and full of joy.
Think optimistically. Don't be a pessimist. Pessimists create hell around themselves and live in it. You live in the world you created.

Let's remember. There is not only one world here. There are as many worlds here as there are people's hearts.
I live in my world and you live in your own world.
Use the situation and negative opportunities for growth.
When you can take everything positively, you'll be surprised that the whole thing starts to work in a completely different way. It will start helping you in every possible way.

人はいつも心の中で思っている通りの人間になる(People always become the people they think in their hearts)




英訳(English translation)

If you always think about selfishness and vulgarity, you will eventually become a selfish and corrupt person. On the contrary, if you constantly have a compassionate and clean feeling for others, you will definitely be a pure and altruistic person.

What do you think most often and strongly in your heart? Please tell us what your heart thinks most naturally. Then let us know what kind of suffering you are heading for and what kind of comfort you are heading for. Let me tell you if you are becoming a god-like person or a beast-like person.

People cannot escape the tendency to be the kind of people they always think in their hearts. So think of elegance and elegance, not ugly or vile. Let's throw away the vain thoughts of selfishness and develop pure compassion in our hearts.

ただ生きているだけで尊い価値がある(Just being alive is of precious value)



英訳(English translation)

At the bottom of our hearts, there is intense brainwashing data that says, "Don't enjoy or be happy if you haven't achieved anything."
Then, I think that I should not enjoy or be pleased unless I can give some results and results to myself.
I have been brainwashed when I am not loved and not recognized because I do not meet the conditions.
The self-confidence to live will be lost only by the situation of oneself living as it is. Therefore, as taught on the surface, we will live to meet many more conditions. Instead of enjoying life, it will be a difficult life to "condition".

You just have to be alive. Even though the universe is such a place ...
But this is the opposite. If you enjoy yourself, be happy, have a pre-celebration, and just enjoy playing, you will be able to create a fun shape on the outside. This is the true "result".
This is the embodiment. This is the fulfillment of the desire.
You can achieve fun results and results as much as you let yourself do something fun without any conditions.
The universe is like that. I hope that many people will notice this early and will not blame or despise themselves.

思考(心)が人生を創る【Thoughts (hearts) create life】




英訳(English translation)

Events that occur outside are shaped and brought to life by inner thoughts. Not the other way around.
Temptation is not caused by outsiders or things, but by the thirst for those people or things.
The cause of suffering and sorrow is not due to things outside or events in life. It is in the immature mind that reacts to such things and events.

A pure heart trained by wisdom avoids all anguish-creating desires and devious desires. That is why you can get peace of mind.
Bad for others and poisoning the outside world like the root of all evil, rather than reducing suffering and anxiety, incites it. What is on the outside is only the shadow or result of what is on the inside of the mind.

If your mind is clean, everything that happens around you will be comfortable and will bring you a beautiful and clean living environment and relationships.

あなたが選択しなければいいだけです(You don't have to choose)



英訳(English translation)

Denying something is out of the law of the universe. It's not love.
You don't have to deny it, you just have to choose not to experience it.
Denying something is called negative. No particular condition or something is negative. There is no such rule in the universe.

Because everything is allowed to exist in the universe.
There is nothing in the universe that should be denied, and there is no energy that should be denied.
Therefore, it is OK that even the negative judgment that "... is not good" exists.